Telehealth is a visit with your doctor or nurse practitioner over a smart phone, tablet, or laptop.

How does Telehealth work?
Patients will receive a video call from their doctor or nurse practitioner, being able to see them and discuss their clinical condition and how things are going, just like if the patient was in the office.

Providers can provide e-prescriptions through this service so that patients are still getting necessary medicines without any complications or disruptions. During these conversations, providers can answer questions, discuss pain management, and assist with medicine dosage information.

Who can use Telehealth?
Telehealth is perfect for palliative care patients. This service is extremely helpful for patients in rural areas. It allows them to accomplish virtual visits, which eliminates worry about having to leave the house or making it to appointments on time.

Overall, this service is great for anyone who wants to eliminate drive time, be connected with providers in a more efficient way, and any patient that wants an easy way to connect with their provider without leaving their house.